Sunday, October 26, 2014

Life is Short, Have an Affair :)

This video, created by Ashley Madison, originally aired on the television during the month of February in 2010. This ad was seen as offensive to many people because it was "inappropriate" and "disgusting". The deadly sins that this ad condones are avarice and lust.

Upon viewing the video the first time, I noticed a lot of happy men singing in a joyful tone. They were singing about "seeing someone other than my wife". Between clips of happy men singing, half naked girls were flashed across the screen in seductive poses. My mind automatically filled the gaps and I naturally assumed that these men were happy because they were making sweet love with the women that they met using this website.

After watching the video a few more times and paying closer attention, I grasped the bigger picture. This advertisement shows plenty of men that are using this website and it almost makes it seem that cheating on your wife is "okay" and "normal". During the 30 second commercial, a man creates an account and finds many matches. This is trying to show that the website is easy to use and that its simple to find sexy ladies other than your wife. The overall mood of the commercial makes it seem like cheating on your wife will make you a happier man and that there will be no repercussions. Now I'm not married, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that cheating on your wife will NOT make your life any easier. 

Although this website is geared towards men and women, this ad is directed specifically at men. It is easy to tell that the ad targets men because it shows half naked women and not half naked men, and (most) women aren't interested in seeing half naked girls. It is also easier for men to relate to this ad. At the end of the commercial, a chorus of men chimes in singing about cheating on their wives. This makes the viewer feel less guilty because they wouldn't be the only person cheating on their significant other. This ad shows handsome middle class men which captures the attention of the middle-upper class viewers. It almost makes the viewer feel like the website is so easy, that anyone could use it. In a society in which the divorce rate is around 50%, cheating on your wife doesn't seem like such a terrible thing to viewers. This ad takes advantage of their viewers' ignorance in order to inspire them to make a bad choice that will create revenue for the company.

1 comment:

  1. Marcus, I would like to thank you for showing this advertisement. This advertisement exemplifies the conundrum that is how personal morals can affect how advertisements are seen. There is nothing wrong with this advertisement, however many people would find this ad morally wrong and unacceptable for television. The first thing that struck me when I watched this ad was the song that it samples. I recognized the tune, but could not explicitly say what song it was. This helped the song stick into my head without making me think of a different song completely. Upon further investigation, I discovered that it was Climax Blues Band's song "Couldn't Get It Right". This song fits with the meaning of the message, as it is about looking for satisfaction that you cannot find. I agree wth you that the normality of the men and the number of them make it appear as if cheating on your wife is ok. I think that providing an upbeat ad with a catchy hook that does not explicitly provide its intent makes the deadly sins portrayed in the ad, specifically lust, seem commonplace and agreeable.
